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с английского на русский

without any hesitation

  • 1 О-51

    БЕЗ ОГЛЙДКИ coll PrepP, Invar, adv
    1. бежать, убегать и т. п. - (to run, run away etc) very quickly and without turning around to look behind one: (fast and) without a backward glance
    (fast and) without looking back with abandon.
    Орозкул встал, подтянул штаны и, боясь оглянуться, затрусил прочь... Но Кулубек остановил его: «Стой! Мы тебе скажем последнее слово. У тебя никогда не будет детей. Ты злой и негодный человек... Уходи — и чтобы навсегда. А ну быстрее!» Орозкул побежал без оглядки (Айтматов 1). Огог-kul stood up, pulled up his trousers, and, afraid to glance back, ran away at a quick trot....But Kulubek stopped him: "Wait! We'll say to you one final word. You will never have any children. You are an evil and worthless man....Go from here-forever. Double quick!" Orozkul ran off without a backward glance (1a).
    2. (to make a decision, set out upon a course of action etc) resolutely, without vacillation
    without looking back
    without a backward glance without any hesitation without a second thought without thinking twice.
    3. предаваться чему, делать что и т. п. - (to do sth.) unrestrainedly, forgetting all else, (indulge in sth.) without limiting o.s. etc
    without restraint (reserve) (give o.s.) completely (to sth.).
    4. любить кого, верить кому \О-51 (to love s.o.) to the greatest possible extent, (to trust s.o.) fully and completely
    without any reservations
    without reservation unreservedly unconditionally.
    ...Любить она (Кира) умела, как любят сейчас на Земле, -спокойно и без оглядки... (Стругацкие 4). Куга was capable of true love, the way women on Earth would love-quiet and without any reservations (4a).
    5. imprudently, without due consideration
    recklessly rashly thoughtlessly indiscriminately.
    Вместе с Ахматовой он (Мандельштам) выдумал игру: у каждого из них есть кучка талонов на признание поэтов, но она - жмот, сквалыга - свои талоны бережёт, а он истратил последний на старика Звенигородского и просит взаймы хоть один, хоть половинку... Она действительно свои талоны берегла, а в старости стала раздавать их без оглядки - направо и налево (Мандельштам 2). Не (Mandelstam) and Akhmatova even invented a game: each of them had a certain number of tokens to be expended on the recognition of poets - but while she was tightfisted and hung on to her tokens for all she was worth, he spent his last one on old Zvenigorodski, and then had to beg her to "lend" him one, or even half of one....Having hoarded them up so jealously, in her old age Akhmatova began to hand out her tokens indiscriminately, right, left, and center (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-51

  • 2 без оглядки

    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    1. бежать, убегать и т.п. без оглядки (to run, run away etc) very quickly and without turning around to look behind one:
    - with abandon.
         ♦ Орозкул встал, подтянул штаны и, боясь оглянуться, затрусил прочь... Но Кулубек остановил его: " Стой! Мы тебе скажем последнее слово. У тебя никогда не будет детей. Ты злой и негодный человек... Уходи - и чтобы навсегда. А ну быстрее!" Орозкул побежал без оглядки (Айтматов 1). Orozkul stood up, pulled up his trousers, and, afraid to glance back, ran away at a quick trot....But Kulubek stopped him: "Wait! We'll say to you one final word. You will never have any children. You are an evil and worthless man....Go from here-forever. Double quick!" Orozkul ran off without a backward glance (1a).
    2. (to make a decision, set out upon a course of action etc) resolutely, without vacillation:
    - without thinking twice.
    3. предаваться чему, делать что и т.п. без оглядки (to do sth.) unrestrainedly, forgetting all else, (indulge in sth.) without limiting o.s. etc:
    - (give o.s.) completely (to sth.).
    4. любить кого, верить кому без оглядки (to love s.o.) to the greatest possible extent, (to trust s.o.) fully and completely:
    - unconditionally.
         ♦...Любить она [Кира] умела, как любят сейчас на Земле, - спокойно и без оглядки... (Стругацкие 4). Kyra was capable of true love, the way women on Earth would love-quiet and without any reservations (4a).
    5. imprudently, without due consideration:
    - indiscriminately.
         ♦ Вместе с Ахматовой он [Мандельштам] выдумал игру: у каждого из них есть кучка талонов на признание поэтов, но она - жмот, сквалыга - свои талоны бережёт, а он истратил последний на старика Звенигородского и просит взаймы хоть один, хоть половинку... Она действительно свои талоны берегла, а в старости стала раздавать их без оглядки - направо и налево (Мандельштам 2). Не [Mandelstam] and Akhmatova even invented a game: each of them had a certain number of tokens to be expended on the recognition of poets - but while she was tightfisted and hung on to her tokens for all she was worth, he spent his last one on old Zvenigorodski, and then had to beg her to "lend" him one, or even half of one....Having hoarded them up so jealously, in her old age Akhmatova began to hand out her tokens indiscriminately, right, left, and center (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > без оглядки

  • 3 без оглядки

    headlong, hastily ( неосмотрительно); without a backward glance ( бежать); without any hesitation ( принимать решение); without any reservations, unconditionally (любить кого-л.)

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > без оглядки

  • 4 минута

    (в разн. знач.) minute; moment, instant ( мгновение)

    в первую минуту — at first, initially

    одну минуту! — just a moment!, wait a minute!

    в одну минуту — immediately, at once, right away, in a flash, in a moment

    минута в минуту — to the minute, on the dot, right on time

    ни на минуту — not for a minute/second, not for a single moment

    сию минуту — at once, immediately; at this moment, right now

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > минута

  • 5 ничтоже сумняся

    уст., ирон.
    not giving it a second thought; without any hesitation (a moment's thought); suspecting nothing; nothing wavering; with never a blush

    Свёкра, Бориса Тимофеича, ничтоже сумняся, схоронили по закону христианскому. Дивным делом никому и невдомёк ничего стало: умер Борис Тимофеич, да и умер, поевши грибков, как многие, поевши их, умирают. (Н. Лесков, Леди Макбет Мценского уезда) — Those who buried her father-in-law, Boris Timofeyich, suspected nothing. There was nothing unusual about the matter, and nobody gave it a second thought. Boris Timofeyevich had died after eating salted mushrooms, as many others who had eaten them had died before him.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ничтоже сумняся

  • 6 ничтоже сумняшеся

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ничтоже сумняшеся

  • 7 Д-418

    ЗА МИЛУЮ ДУШУ coll PrepP Invar adv
    1. (to do sth.) very willingly, with great enthusiasm, delight: (be) more than happy (to do sth.)
    (be) only too glad (happy) (to do sth.) with great pleasure happily gladly (in limited contexts) to one'sheartfscontent
    съесть (сожрать substand) что \Д-418 -relish (savor) every bite (of sth.)
    повеселиться - = have the time of one's life.
    "А ведь она (Нинка)... и правда понесла бы их (бутылки с водкой) сдавать... А там за милу(ю) душу приняли бы за те же двенадцать копеек» (Распутин 3). "She (Ninka) really would have done it too. She'd have taken them (the bottles full of vodka) back.... And they'd have been only too glad to give her twelve kopecks for them, same as for the empties" (3a).
    Тогда вой усилился, словно воющий решил во время перерыва повыть за милую душу (Аксёнов 6). Then the wailing grew louder, as though the waiter had decided that during the lunch break he would wail to his heart's content (6a).
    Он заговорщически подмигнул мне: не пропадем, мол, погужуемся за милую душу! (Аксенов 6). Не gave me a conspiratorial wink, meaning: We're not going to waste our stay here, we're going to have the time of our lives, aren't we?! (6a).
    2. ( usu. used with pfv verbs) (to do sth.) without deliberating, immediately, with no qualms
    without thinking twice
    without a moment's hesitation just like that (right) then and there (in limited contexts) in a snap.
    Не ввязывайся в драку с Петром - может прихлопнуть за милую душу. Don't get in a fight with Pyotr, he could kill you just like that.
    Эти суки могут тебя обратать и в международной зоне аэропорта, и на борту самолета запереть в сортирный чуланчик, как недавно поступили с нежной балериной В., и в братской республике захапают за милую душу (Аксенов 12). Those animals could get him back even from the international zone or lock him into the toilet on board a plane, he knew, as they recently did with the delicate ballerina V, and they could grab him in a snap in a "fraternal republic" (12a).
    3. (used with pfv verbs) certainly, unquestionably, without any doubt
    for (darn) sure
    sure as anything (therefe (there are)) no two ways about it.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-418

  • 8 за милую душу

    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    1. (to do sth.) very willingly, with great enthusiasm, delight:
    - (be) more than happy (to do sth.);
    - (be) only too glad (happy) (to do sth.);
    - [in limited contexts] to one'sheartfscontent;
    || повеселиться за милую душу have the time of one's life.
         ♦ "А ведь она [Нинка]... и правда понесла бы их [бутылки с водкой] сдавать... А там за милу[ю] душу приняли бы за те же двенадцать копеек" (Распутин 3). "She [Ninka] really would have done it too. She'd have taken them [the bottles full of vodka] back.... And they'd have been only too glad to give her twelve kopecks for them, same as for the empties" (3a).
         ♦ Тогда вой усилился, словно воющий решил во время перерыва повыть за милую душу (Аксёнов 6). Then the wailing grew louder, as though the waiter had decided that during the lunch break he would wail to his heart's content (6a).
         ♦ Он заговорщически подмигнул мне: не пропадем, мол, погужуемся за милую душу! (Аксёнов 6). He gave me a conspiratorial wink, meaning: We're not going to waste our stay here; we're going to have the time of our lives, aren't we?! (6a).
    2. [usu. used with pfv verbs]
    (to do sth.) without deliberating, immediately, with no qualms:
    - [in limited contexts] in a snap.
         ♦ Не ввязывайся в драку с Петром - может прихлопнуть за милую душу. Don't get in a fight with Pyotr, he could kill you just like that.
         ♦ Эти суки могут тебя обратать и в международной зоне аэропорта, и на борту самолета запереть в сортирный чуланчик, как недавно поступили с нежной балериной В., и в братской республике захапают за милую душу (Аксёнов 12). Those animals could get him back even from the international zone or lock him into the toilet on board a plane, he knew, as they recently did with the delicate ballerina V, and they could grab him in a snap in a "fraternal republic" (12a).
    3. [used with pfv verbs]
    certainly, unquestionably, without any doubt:
    - (there's < there are>) no two ways about it.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > за милую душу

  • 9 М-179

    НИ МИНУТЫ (НИ СЕКУНДЫ) не сомневаться, не колебаться, не думать и т. п. NP gen these forms only used with negated verbs usu. used with impfv verbs) not (to doubt sth., hesitate, assume sth. etc) even for the shortest moment
    not (for) a minute (a moment, an instant)
    without any (a moments) (hesitation (delay etc)).
    «Если я не подозревал в вас своего преемника, то вы не думали ни минуты, что я - ваш предшественник» (Федин 1). "As I didn't suspect my successor in you, so you didn't for a minute think that I had been your predecessor" (1a).
    ...Законная власть ни минуты не сомневалась, что Козырь всегда оставался лучшею и солиднейшею поддержкой её (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)....The regime in power did not for a moment doubt that Hotspur had always been its best and most solid support (1a). 4 «Это настоящий герой, о каком я мечтала девочкой... Я бы побежала за ним на край света. Ни секунды бы не думала!» (Дудинцев 1). "Не is a real hero, the kind I dreamt of when I was a little girl....1 would have followed him to the ends of the earth! I would not have hesitated an instant!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-179

  • 10 ни минуты

    НИ МИНУТЫ ( НИ СЕКУНДЫ) не сомневаться, не колебаться, не думать и т.п.
    [NPgen; these forms only; used with negated verbs; usu. used with impfv verbs]
    not (to doubt sth., hesitate, assume sth. etc) even for the shortest moment:
    - not (for) a minute (a moment, an instant);
    - without any (a moment's) (hesitation <delay etc>).
         ♦ "Если я не подозревал в вас своего преемника, то вы не думали ни минуты, что я - ваш предшественник" (Федин 1). "As I didn't suspect my successor in you, so you didn't for a minute think that I had been your predecessor" (1a).
         ♦...Законная власть ни минуты не сомневалась, что Козырь всегда оставался лучшею и солиднейшею поддержкой её (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)....The regime in power did not for a moment doubt that Hotspur had always been its best and most solid support (1a).
         ♦ "Это настоящий герой, о каком я мечтала девочкой... Я бы побежала за ним на край света. Ни секунды бы не думала!" (Дудинцев 1). "He is a real hero, the kind I dreamt of when I was a little girl....I would have followed him to the ends of the earth! I would not have hesitated an instant!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни минуты

  • 11 ни секунды

    НИ МИНУТЫ( НИ СЕКУНДЫ) не сомневаться, не колебаться, не думать и т.п.
    [NPgen; these forms only; used with negated verbs; usu. used with impfv verbs]
    not (to doubt sth., hesitate, assume sth. etc) even for the shortest moment:
    - not (for) a minute (a moment, an instant);
    - without any (a moment's) (hesitation <delay etc>).
         ♦ "Если я не подозревал в вас своего преемника, то вы не думали ни минуты, что я - ваш предшественник" (Федин 1). "As I didn't suspect my successor in you, so you didn't for a minute think that I had been your predecessor" (1a).
         ♦...Законная власть ни минуты не сомневалась, что Козырь всегда оставался лучшею и солиднейшею поддержкой её (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)....The regime in power did not for a moment doubt that Hotspur had always been its best and most solid support (1a).
         ♦ "Это настоящий герой, о каком я мечтала девочкой... Я бы побежала за ним на край света. Ни секунды бы не думала!" (Дудинцев 1). "He is a real hero, the kind I dreamt of when I was a little girl....I would have followed him to the ends of the earth! I would not have hesitated an instant!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни секунды

См. также в других словарях:

  • hesitation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, momentary, slight ▪ There was a momentary hesitation before he replied. ▪ considerable ▪ little ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • any — an|y [ eni ] function word, quantifier *** Any can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a singular countable noun): It s a puzzle that any intelligent child could solve. (followed by a plural or uncountable noun): Are there …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • any */*/*/ — UK [ˈenɪ] / US adverb, determiner, pronoun Summary: Any can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a singular countable noun): It s a puzzle that any intelligent child could solve. (followed by a plural or uncountable noun):… …   English dictionary

  • without — with|out [ wıð aut ] function word *** Without can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): I can t see without my glasses. (followed by the ing form of a verb): She walked past without saying anything. as an adverb… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • without */*/*/ — UK [wɪðˈaʊt] / US adverb, preposition Summary: Without can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): I can t see without my glasses. (followed by the ing form of a verb): She walked past without saying anything. as an… …   English dictionary

  • without — prep. & adv. prep. 1 not having, feeling, or showing (came without any money; without hesitation; without any emotion). 2 with freedom from (without fear; without embarrassment). 3 in the absence of (cannot live without you; the train left… …   Useful english dictionary

  • without — with|out W1S1 [wıðˈaut US wıðˈaut, wıθˈaut] prep, adv [: Old English; Origin: withutan] 1.) not having something, especially something that is basic or necessary ▪ After the storm we were without electricity for five days. ▪ a house without a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • At any hand — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • accept without reserve — accept without hesitation, accept without feeling any doubt …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Gregory I —     Pope St. Gregory I ( the Great )     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope St. Gregory I ( the Great )     Doctor of the Church; born at Rome about 540; died 12 March 604. Gregory     is certainly one of the most notable figures in Ecclesiastical… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pope St. Gregory I (the Great) —     Pope St. Gregory I ( the Great )     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope St. Gregory I ( the Great )     Doctor of the Church; born at Rome about 540; died 12 March 604. Gregory     is certainly one of the most notable figures in Ecclesiastical… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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